Organic forms
11" x 14"
Colored pencil on toned paper
Water Lettuce
6" x 6"
Ink on Bristol
6" x 6"
Ink on Bristol
Colored pencil and watercolor on tan toned paper
Hand study; Two light blue hands shuffling their deck of cards to determine their fate, which is unknown.
Passing of the Bull, Potential of the Egg
Pencil on paper
Still life of a bull's head, 2 vases, a cup, a gravy boat, and a simple little egg.
Both life and death are in this still life. While the bull's skull is much larger and the main focus, the egg reminds you of the possibilities in life and the potential energy you have.
Organic study(ing)
Pencil on paper
Organic studies of clay, and a little frog butt.
C. Pulled Up
E. Mr. Froggy Butt
A. All Squished Up
B. Split Apart
D. One Good Punch
F. Floral Twists
Young Rose Leaf
Holly Cluster
Nature Study(ing)
Pencil on Paper
Nature and texture study drawings of a Rose leaf, holly cluster, and acorn cap.
An Acorn's Hat
Consumption of Nature
Ink on paper
The Becoming of Winter
Pencil on Paper
Nature study of a leafless Apple tree
Generic Tree
Pencil on Paper
Lil birdie
Ink on paper
Behind the Sea
Pencil on paper
One point perspective of a far far away land in a fairytale with princesses, lots of plants, and little frogs on bikes.
Blocked Messages
Ink and Marker on Paper;
Buckeye Butterfly stuck in a spider web. Butterflies are the messengers of news and choices you may have to take. It being stuck represents a lack of motion in one's life.
9 x 9
Oil pastel on sticky notes, glued to paper
Using the primary color scheme, I wanted to represent an almost juvenile feel to this drawing. The sticky notes each show a memory, childhood, and the recent time it was created as an acknowledgement of my youth and how I was still making memories. The sticky notes are stuck to a page that is my brain as the memories were stuck in my head.
Resting Among the Stars
11" x 14"
Colored pencil on paper
A representation of a nautical woman who is in mourning. Around her are the planets in orbit around her.