Señor Stick Punaise
Coffee stirrers, hot glue, and Crayola Model Magic
A confused French stick bug with a beret, mustache, and socks. While presenting, I too had a mustache, and a baguette.
Worry amongst the Wind
2' x 6' pine wood, twine, wood stain
Wooden windchimes that are completely hollowed through. When knocking together, it sounds like gentle rain.
A vivid memory I have is with my neighbor, David, who used to watch over me. He was showing me his heavy wooden windchimes that were making noise due to the incoming storm with high winds. This was a big moment of anxiety for me and I was reminded of this story due to the large amount of power tools and noise of wood falling when coming into class. I decided to try to recreate the windchimes I had vivid memories of.
The Delusional and Unwanted
Bella's Blend clay, acrylic
Slip casted Raggedy Anne doll and angler fish that switched bodies.
Fallen Scree
I casted my face in alginate and filled the mold with plaster. The extra plaster did not set correctly and was malleable, so I rounded it into various sizes of stones.
Created to look like I was a victim of a rockslide.
Mother of Pear
Wooden box, acrylic paint, burlap lining, hot glue, glass pebbles, beads, shells, seeds, and other found items.
Created to have a oceanic look, and have the illusion of seeds and water draining from the water pearer.
Plaster and acrylic paint
Created from a cast of oil clay.